Tuesday 16 November 2010

Experimental Film

Experimental film makers have definitely in my opinion been over shadowed by mainstream 'Hollywood' producers and their originality and unique blend of provoking a reaction as well as leaving the audience searching for a storyline has a selection of film fans hooked. The main purpose of experimental film is to challenge the mainstream, creating films which differ from the normal concepts of film in each genre. In some cases the film isn't given a genre, or doesn't suggest one. I find these particular experimental films contest mankind's existance often through creating new worlds and creatures. Sometimes, experimental film makers present their ideas and beliefs with a surrealist theme, Matthew Barney's 'The Cremaster Cycle' is a good example of a film maker producing very surreal and suggestions of symbolism through certain character representations. Here is a made up trailer for the entire Cremaster collection which spans over 8 years with 5 individual films;

As you can see from the trailer there are a number ideas suggested. I find that Barney has generated a metaphoric world to which he comments on human behaviours and mannerisms. There is also a strong element of sexual development as some of his characters represent human organs. For me Matthew Barneys work is quite refreshing as it's instantly bizarre scenery filled with mysterical creatures questions society's perception of artistic film.

Another experimental film artist I have looked at is Luther Price. Observing the opressive intensity and nature of Price's work he is fairly similar to the work of Matthew Barney. In many respects both experimental film artists invite the observers imagination into a uniquely pyschopathetic universe resulting in an isolated feeling of limbo as your mind is captured for the duration of the film.

Here are some snapshots of Luther Price's work.

As you can see from these pictures there is a strong horror element to which is the foundation for all of his films.

Despite looking at the work of Luther Price I believe it's aggressive and perculiar nature is too overwhelming to contemplate including into my work.

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