Tuesday 2 November 2010

History of Film

Film or a moving image was created from using a series of photographs to suggest that the subject matter was indeed moving. The first device to support this idea was called a Zoescope. Taken from this idea of using a series of still photographs, a zoescope was designed in a circle to allow for the photographs to spin within the circle at a certain speed to create this illusion. Here is a picture which demonstrates this idea with a man on a horse. This was also used as evidence to suggest that all of a horses legs are raised from the ground at one moment whilst the horse is running.

Early film makers such as the Lumiere Brothers were considered two of the first film makers to produce films and screen them to the public. The brothers produced a series of short film clips beginning with 'La Sortie de l'Usine Lumière à Lyon' which is interpreted into its English title of 'Workers Leaving the Lumiere Factory'.

I find that when you watch the film you can see the ambition and creativity is present to their style of work.

When we compare to the film quality being produced today, the concept of this film seems very simple yet its significance for inspiring many of the film producers and directors of the modern age enhances the impact of the film.

With most early films there was no storyline or narrative for the audience to follow which was resolved in 1905 by Cecil Hepworth who produced a short film featuring a man and a dog called 'Rescued by Rover'.

This film was also recognized for it's clever use of continuity editing which shows Rover exiting from one side of the screen and entering from the same side in the next shot. Also another important film as far as film techniques and development is concerned.

The introduction of comedy into early silent films was brought about, i certainly believe, to be by Buster Keaton. I find that his most genius and entertaining film was 'The Goat' 1921 which defined comedy from all other genres.

I have chosen to include this, because i find that Keaton has an exceptional way of presenting what the actor is thinking and illustrating the storyline without the use of sound. The simple style of slapstick comedy is clearly present and definitely makes the film look far more witty with a diverse range of practical jokes.

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