Monday 23 May 2011


Having produced my graphics to support my film I naturally acquired a title for the film; 'Innocence' which mainly came about from assessing the content and principle of my film. When I went to screen the film I decided to give a brief summary of the film to allow the audience to understand my intentions and reasons for producing the film in the way I did. At the time of screening I hadn't titled the film and therefore my brief speech was necessary. If I had of had the title for the film 'Innocence' at the time of the screening I believe I wouldn't have needed to give a speech as the title gives a lot away. The word when placed with the content of the film works well in supporting the footage.

I had an ethical issue regarding the age at which my sister is and the parental restrictions of the films I was showing her. The two films American History X and Inglorious Basterds are both rated 18 certificate and my sister is 16. As this was the case I just notified my mum to ask if it was okay to still film.

I believe my film is quite unique in as far as it is one consistent shot which works very well. The composition is great with the musical related posters in the background contradicting the background and stereotypes of a 16 year old girl. In as far as film makers and related films there are influences I have had from experimental artists such as Bill Viola for the way in which I challenge an audiences perception on a subject. Apart from that I don't think there are any films/film makers which are noticeably close to my film.

My other interests in art relate to portraiture and painting, possibly a link to the angle and composition I chose for the film. The sound within the film is diegetic and taken completely naturally to involve the viewer more with my sisters reactions. It is also easier to follow from her perspective and the audience can empathise better with her movements.

There wasn't too many problems that rose from filming and I managed to keep everything simple. The only thing that could have caused some confusion was the fact that the film was shot in a 20 minute tape with the 3 separate films showing. Therefore I had to edit the shots to get the best movement and parts of the film into shorter more active lengths.

I have studied Media at AS level and achieved a B grade. I thoroughly enjoyed the Media course as it focused on areas such as film and music which are a significant part of my life. I still carry the skills I acquired on the course with me today and my viewpoint on the film and music industry has shifted slightly. I analyse film makers intentions and decisions differently assessing films in a more sceptical light.

If I were to produce this film again I would maybe chose a different subject matter and scenario and possibly comment on themes such as life and identity. The theme of identity would probably result in filming in public locations or a more challenging way of filming. I would also link my film towards Christopher Nolans film such as Inception and push myself with the complexity of the story.

Overall I am satisfied and impressed with the result of my film and am glad I have produced it in the way that I did. In future I will possibly continue with my interests in film through a more time consuming experiment using more camera angles and shots.

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